Monday, February 5, 2024

The Cosmology of Sailor Moon

Galaxy Cauldron

The Galaxy Cauldron is the ultimate location of the entire Sailor Moon Cosmology. Located at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, it is where stars and possibilities are born. 

The Cauldron creates star seeds, which grow to become everything from living things, to celestial bodies, and even Sailor Crystals.



The Cauldron is the source of everything, and without the universe would come to a screeching halt. However, even if the Cauldron was to be destroyed, a new Cauldron would spring into life somewhere.

The Cauldron also seems to be independent from the flow of time. When Mamoru was thrown inside cauldron, he ceased to exist and so did Chibi-usa. This is interesting because when Mamoru was killed previously by Sailor Galaxia, his future self was not immediately affected and Chibi-usa was not affected. 


Death Phantom's star seed was also inside the cauldron, despite his destruction in the future, hadn't happen yet. Beings, and anything dependent on them, cannot exist inside the cauldron and anywhere in time and space concurrently. 

Main Universe

The main universe is the universe where the Milky Way Galaxy is located and where our main cast lives. It is a static universe, which means it has infinite time and space. 

The Local Multiverse

The local multiverse refers to other spacetimes and universes that are relatively close or accessible to the main universe. These universes include parallel dark worlds that exist inside mirrors. The Dead Moon Circus used several of these mirror worlds to attack the main cast during the 4th arc. 



Other spacetimes include the Shadow of the New Moon. The Shadow of the New Moon is alternate dimension that exist on the other side of the new moon's shadow. There could be many other alternate dimensions that can be reached through the shadows of celestial objects. 

Elysian is a pocket dimension of unknown size that exists inside the earth. Just like the Shadow of the New Moon, other celestial objects may have similar pocket dimensions.

Characters throughout the series such as Jadeite can also create their own pocket dimension. 

Sailor Mercury, in the first arc, created a Hyperdimensional Space using time axis coordinates from Luna's super computer. In the novelization of the first act, the Hyperdimenisonal Space was described as being beyond the space and time of the third dimension. 

The Far Multiverse

 The far multiverse refers to alternate dimensions and spacetimes that are stated to be far away. The Tau Star system is one such dimension. It is stated to be a far away region in spacetime in the Eternal Edition and a faraway spacetime in the Kodansha region. In the third arc, the Death Busters had to use a wormhole to connect earth with the Tau Star System. 


During the fifth arc, Luna and Artemis question whether Shadow Galactica invaded the solar system from an alternate dimension. Luna claims that there are way too many inter-dimensional routes to check. This means that just in the Solar System alone, there are an uncountable number inter-dimensional routes that lead alternate dimensions.The universe it self is infinite, so there may as well be infinite routes throughout the entire universe. 

Parallel Multiverse

There exists parallel versions of the main class in another dimension. This is showcased in the short story, Parallel Sailor Moon that featured alternate versions of the main cast, including their children. There maybe more parallel versions but that isn't confirmed. 

Corridor of Spacetime Door

 The Corridor of the Spacetime Door is a region located in between times. It is where Sailor Pluto guard the time door. It's a large seemingly endless wasteland of storms and dark holes which pop in and out of exist. The Corridor is also referred to as a rift or the underworld. The concepts of distance and direction do not exist in the Corridor and it is a timeless location. 


Points in space are undefined without Sailor Pluto's time key. Those who wonder the corridor without the time key will become lost in time or erased by the void that surrounds this eerie place. 

Wiseman's domain is a space either located somewhere in the rift or can be reached from the rift. 

Astral Plane  

The astral plane is not an offical location within Sailor Moon, but we see it many times as nonphysical medium of which minds, spirits, and souls can travel and communicate. 

During the second arc, Calaveras is a medium and channels her dead sister's spirits. Umino states that mediums communicate with a higher transcendental plane that is non-physical. (Readers should note: Calaveras while being a medium who can channel her dead sister's spirits, she is also a conman and dupe for the Black Moon clan, and the "spirit" she is shown communicating to, is actually Rubeus, who is in the future). 


We see other instances of an astral plane in the third arc when Mistress Nine swallows Chibiusa's soul and silver crystal. We see chibiusa's soul floating somewhere while Hotaru's soul protects her and keeps her safe. Hotaru's soul is able to travel thorughout this space as well as the physical world. Hotaru also keeps the souls of the inner senshi safe when they are devoured by Mistress Nine. 


In the fifth arc, Sailor Galaxia is able to astral project and enter Sailor Moon's henshin and destroy the Holy Chalice.





 She is also able to astral project and communicate and attack Sailor Moon in her dreams.

During the fifth arc again, Sailor Lethe traps Sailor Moon at the bottom of the Oblivion River. There Sailor Lethe is able to "enter" Sailor Moon's mind and see her memory. She sees Luna, Artemis, and Diana, and attacks and kills them inside Sailor Moon's memory. 




We later find out that the three cats were killed in real life as well. 




  1. Excellent blog! The Sailor Moon Cosmology can be a bit complex at times, and this does a good job of summarizing it though there are a few points I wanna ask about or add onto

    -One of the things you comment is that behind each mirror is a separate parallel dark world. Are you sure it's not a singular dark universe behind all mirrors? Obviously Super Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter destroy the dimension they were in within Acts 40-42 but I think you could reasonably argue they are all parts of the larger dark universe.

    -I agree about the sheer number of dimensions with things in Sailor Moon (another example would be Lurga from Act 6 of Codename: Sailor V who exists inside a video game realm that apparently has it's own internal hierarchy of fighters), which I believe is part of Naoko Takeuchi's broader worldview and theme of things being more than what they appear and having secret other sides to them. I also applaud you for finding the novelization's expression of Mercury's Hyperspatial Sphere Generate, as that's one I almost never see brought up

    -It seems you're suggesting Parallel Sailor Moon is in a second Multiverse? Is there a reason to think it's not within the main multiverse? It's true that it has parallel version of the cast but that seems like the kind of variety one would expect to see in a large number of universes

    -There's an interesting statement at the end of Act 21 where after Chibiusa gets lost in the corridor Wiseman comments that her heart's rejection of the world brought her "here" to his domain at the edge of the world. It's not clear to me whether this is a facet of the Silver Crystal which is controlled by the heart but which Chibiusa can't control yet or it's a facet that the Corridor is influenced someone by one's heart or mind. I think initially Naoko was planning on connecting the transcendent realm mediums channel from with the corridor as they are introduced in adjacent chapters, the former is specifically expressed a realm beyond time, and the latter seems to have some connection with the metaphysical

    1. I am sure the dark world or mirrors is more akin to a multiverse, and each individual mirror leads to a unique dark world, with maybe some overlap. The reason I believe this is because, it makes more sense.

      As you mentioned Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars both destroyed mirror worlds. It makes sense if they destroyed discrete individual worlds, rather than sections in a larger continuous area.

      Also, Zirconia seals Chibi Moon and Saturn inside mirrors and then places the mirrors inside Queen Nehellenia's mirror. If it was all one big world, then that would be a paradox of infinite recursion. (They were stuck in those mirrors. If they worlds were continuously connected, they would be able to wander and end up in Nehellenia's throne room, outside the mirrors they were sealed in while still being sealed in them.)

      Yes, I should go back and mention Lurgas virtual world. It seems that the cyber space is sort of reality too. Sailor V or her avatar is able to interact with the real world too from the arcade game.

      I would say it's a second multiverse. I wouldn't go so far as saying it has its own cauldron, because we never see that or get any confirmation, but I would call it its own multiverse, because the mirrors in that world, would have their own dark worlds too, plus any other dimensions, like cyber spaces.

      And it is interesting that you mention that about Corridor and the transcendent realm. Calveras could very well be sending messages through there to reach Rubeus.

    2. Hadn't considered the argument that Zirconia sealing Chibi-Moon and Saturn would lead to an infinite regress.

      Maybe I'm just too conservative but the idea that the Parallel-verse has similar rules of universes within things feel to me similar to the assertion that there might be universes inside other planets than Earth. It's certainly possible but it feels more speculative and unsure.

    3. Yeah its either the dark mirror worlds are all separate spaces or infinite regress. Both are still cool!

      And yes, the parallel world having the same rules as the main universe is 100% speculation on my part, I won’t lie. I understand if others don’t view it that way.
