Thursday, February 22, 2024

Death Battle Script: Goku Vs. Sailor Moon

Death Battle Script: Goku Vs. Sailor Moon

All right, the combatants are set, and we’ve run the data through all possibilities.


Within the depths of Universe 7, we find the saiyans Goku and Vegeta in yet another intense battle to determine who is stronger while visiting the world of the God of Destruction, Lord Beerus. While the God in question was sleeping at the moment, his attendant and teacher Whis has been overlooking the fight between the saiyans as he has done in the past. Soon enough a couple of critical blows, Whis blows his whistle to get Goku and Vegeta’s attention.

“Alright gentlemen, I believe we’ll call that a match for now.” As Whis calls the match.

“Really? But it feels like we only just started.”

“Goku, you and Vegeta have been sparring for nearly 3 hours, and I can hear your stomachs rumbling so I’ve prepared all the food Bulma sent us so we can eat.”

Though he wouldn’t show it, Vegeta was starting to get hungry as well. “Besides Kakarot, we both know that I was gaining the upper hand anyway.”

At the mention of food Lord Beerus awoke from his nap ready to devour the earth food. “It’s about time Whis, I was getting pretty bored without something to fill my appetite.”

“Oh Lord Beerus, I know you’d never let me forget to feed you my Lord.”

“Less talking, more snacking, I really want more of this ice cream I’ve heard about.”

So off they went to enjoy the food Bulma sent them to feast on. As they enjoyed their food, Beerus and Whis felt something faint but very powerful, which caused them both to pause.

“Whis, did you feel that?”

“I did my Lord.”

Seeing both angel and God of Destruction stop eating caused both saiyans to look up at them and soon enough they too felt it.

For Goku, anything to stop him from constantly eating was considered a miracle“Woah, where’s that power coming from?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never felt anything like this before.” Vegeta claims. “Lord Beerus, Whis, you two seem to know where this power comes from.”

Whis seemed to be in deep thought about it, “This power is very old, ancient magic, I remember my early days as an angel when our father, the Grand Priest, talked about it. He said that it existed when the universe was in its infancy.”

“And do you know where this power came from Whis? It’s not often that I hear about the ancient magic anymore.” For Beerus it had been centuries since the old magic was talked about, let alone seen or heard about.

With a wave of his hand, Whis uses his staff to see the source of the magic, images appear of a young blonde girl with two odangos on her head in a sailor fuku fighting what appears to be monsters and people the four have never seen.

“What the?! Are you telling me that this girl is the source of this power?!” Vegeta didn’t want to believe it, but seeing the girl in action gave him the sense of deja vu when he fought Ribrianne.

“That appears to be the case Vegeta.” Whis currently in thought as he looked at everything he was seeing, as an idea suddenly popped in his head.

“Goku, why don’t you test yourself against this power? This would be an excellent way to see where you are in power.”

Goku, one to never back away from a challenge, immediately accepted. “Alright! I can’t wait to see just how strong she is!”

“Don’t get too full of yourself Kakarot! We finish our fight as soon as you’re done with the brat!” Vegeta exclaimed. While the Prince of all Saiyans was annoyed that his fight with Goku would be put on hold, he too was curious of the power the girl had.

“Very well Goku, I’ll transport you to Earth so you may have your battle.” In that instant, Whis activates his staff to send him and Goku to Earth.

And as the angel and saiyan head towards Earth, Beerus couldn’t help but smirk in anticipation. “Well well, this should be very interesting.”

Meanwhile on Earth, we find the Sailor Senshi at the Crown Arcade enjoying the summer day, when they get a call on their communicators from Luna and Artemis prompting them to head to their headquarters underneath the arcade.

“We got your message, what did you need us for?” Said Minako.

“We just found two energy readings on their way to Earth.” Explained Luna.

Rei assumed it was a new enemy to disrupt their time of peace. “Is it a new enemy?”

Artemis’s answer was not what they expected. “Doesn’t seem like it, one is hard to tell, but the other is no doubt saiyan in nature.”

Makoto perked up at the answer. “Wait, saiyans? I thought they had died years ago.”

“Not all of them.” Ami answered, on her supercomputer, uploading all her info onto the main computer. “The saiyan race was wiped out by a would-be emperor named Frieza, but a few have managed to make Earth their home.” The girls got a look at events that happened in history, from a monkey boy taking on an army, to two alien-like men wiping out cities, to a creepy looking bug-like creature, to what looked to be a pink-like creature turning people into candy.

“Eek! Creepy huge green bug!” Usagi exclaimed in fear behind Rei as to not look.

“Oh grow up Usagi! We’ve seen worse things!” Rei couldn’t help but roll her eyes at her leader/best friend. “Ami, how did we not know this?”

“All of this happened before we were born, I’ve only heard stories of a mysterious group of people called the Z-Fighters who would face these threats and leave afterwards.”

Makoto was lost in the clouds looking at the group, “The one with purple hair is kind of cute, reminds me of the guy I had a crush on.” The girls nearly fell over at the tall brunette fawning over yet another guy.

Minako couldn’t help but giggle, “Z-Fighters? Such a shonen name.”

“Take this seriously, Mina.”

“So shonen.” Mina whispered before adopting a serious look, “Do we have an idea what they’re coming for?”

Before anyone could answer, a voice was heard on the main computer. “Hello, can anyone hear me?”

That startled the girls and the cats before Luna responded, “Who is this? Are you the energy signal we found?”

And before more was said, an image appeared on screen showing two individuals, a blue skinned man with an air of divinity surrounding him, and a man in an orange gi with gravity defying hair and an infectious smile.

“Hello to you all! I am Whis, divine angel, and this is Son Goku, a saiyan. And given the familiar looks you all have, you know about the saiyans.”

“We got a quick crash course but we’re up to speed now.” Said Artemis, who was still in disbelief that they were speaking to an honest to goodness angel.

“Wonderful! Then this will be brief, we’ve seen your history and your adventures and wish to have you test Goku’s abilities, and from what we’ve seen we know you’re very capable.”

“So Usagi then.” Everyone said as Usagi frantically looked at everyone.

“Wait, why me?!” All the girls just gave her a deadpan stare, causing her to nervously giggle.

“Oh right, I forgot.” The girls facepalmed.

“Excellent, we’ll be arriving shortly.” Whis said.

“Hey, I’m Goku! I can’t wait to see how strong you are!” Was the last thing the girls heard as the two disappeared from the screen.

“So, that happened.”

“Usagi gets to fight a buff hunk, I’m so jealous!”

“Mina! He could be a threat!”

“Oh please, you saw his history and how he’s protected the earth, plus he acts like Usagi.”

“Well, looks like you get to fight an alien hunk Usagi.”

“But I didn’t finish my milkshake!”

Mount Paozu

Whis and Goku finally arrive on Earth in Mount Paozu, Whis figured this would be the perfect setting for Goku’s fight.

“Alright Goku, she should be arriving shortly.”

“Okay, I can’t wait to see how strong she is.”

Within minutes as Goku’s stretching in preparation, five beams of light arrive to Goku’s excitement. When the lights disappear, the five senshi take notice of their surroundings.

“This is an oddly nice place for a fight.”

“Oh! He’s even hunkier in person!”

“We’re not here to drool over him Minako!”

Usagi stands in silence, sensing the power that lays dormant in Goku. “He really is strong, wait how strong can saiyans be anyway?”

“Hey it’s me, Goku! I can’t wait to see how strong you are!”

“We thank you for coming, are there any questions before we begin?”

“I don’t mind them fighting, but what are we supposed to do?” Makoto explained. While she wasn’t the most comfortable in just standing around, she was excited to see if the stories about saiyans were true.

“Oh I came with Goku so that I could taste more of Earth’s delicious food!” Whis exclaimed.

The girls sweatdropped in confusion at the angel’s reason to come to Earth.

Before anything else was said, Goku was amped to go. “Alright then, let’s do this!” And in an instant, the saiyan powered up and transformed into his Super Saiyan form.

“A transformation?!”

“Geez, a little warning would have been nice!”

“Do you feel that?”

“I taste that, Makoto!”

Usagi stared in wonder at the transformation, “Oh so this is what a saiyan can do? Okay, guess it’s my turn. Moon Prism Power, make up!”

And in that instant, the area was bathed in a bright light before vanishing moments later, and in place was Usagi in her familiar sailor fuku.

Whis stared in amazement, “My, the power that we felt truly does exist. Now are both combatants ready?”

Goku got into his stance. “I’m ready!”

Usagi summoned her moon stick, putting herself in a stance. “Ready!”



The two charge at each other before clashing head on before both backflip away from one another. Goku heads in with a punch and a leg sweep, to which Usagi dodges the punch and jumps to avoid the sweep. But that was what Goku was hoping for as he landed a kick to her stomach, sending her away but landing on her feet.

“No regrets okay? Give it your all!” Goku exclaimed while waiting for Usagi’s next move.

Usagi couldn’t help but smile at Goku’s excitement. “No regrets? Okay, here I come!”

Usagi rushes to throw a punch, but Goku grabs her arm and throws her over his shoulder to send her flying, but before he could do anything else Usagi throws her Moon Tiara Boomerang into his stomach.

“Moon Tiara Boomerang!”

Goku gets launched across Mount Paozu but manages to land safely as the two clash again. Goku unleashes a barrage of ki blasts, while Usagi summons her Moon Stick to dodge and block the ki blasts coming her way but gets hit by a few that get behind her and sent to the ground. As she gets up she manages to barely dodge a big ki blast and starts to fly to Goku, dodging the ki blast until she gets close enough to unleash a powerful beam right in Goku’s face, sending him into the mountains. Goku gets up and prepares his signature Kamehameha attack.

“You’re pretty good, but now it’s time to get serious! Kamehameha!”

Usagi seeing this gets her Moon Stick ready to attack, “He’s not pulling any punches, then I shouldn’t either! Moon Prism Power!”

Both unleash powerful beams that clash and everything shatters around them, the next thing they know the two find themselves within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Before anything else, Goku powered up into his Super Saiyan Blue form and almost instantly decks Usagi in the face! Jab, hook, uppercut into the air before Goku uses Instant Transmission with his Kamehameha attack to send her to the ground. Usagi was hurt, but she could still move.

“Okay, ow! Saiyans really pack a punch! Holy Grail, lend me your power!”

As Goku was about to land another attack a bright light blinded Goku, forcing him to stop his attack and jump back. When the light disappeared, Usagi had powered up to her Super Sailor Moon form with her Spiral Heart Moon Rod in hand. Nodding in acknowledgement, Goku launches ki blasts, but Usagi wipes them out and sends Goku flying.

“Moon Spiral Heart Attack!”

Goku doesn’t waste much time getting back on his feet to fly towards Usagi to attack but Usagi manages to dodge before kickflipping him into the air and unleashes her attack again, launching him even further into the air. The fight becomes an air battle with Goku trying to get close to attack and Usagi repelling him back. Goku unleashes a big ki blast to distract Usagi which she destroys which leads to a distracted Usagi getting a boot to the face but still manages to stay in the air. The battle rages on as both try to gain an edge over each other before Goku manages to close in on Usagi once again and hits a devastating one inch punch on her, leaving Usagi breathless for a moment.

“Hack! Okay, that one hurt, but I’m far from finished!”

Recovering from the attack Usagi fires her Rainbow Moon Heartache attack straight at Goku while he fires a huge ki blast.

“Rainbow Moon Heartache!”

Both attacks collide and Usagi uses it to get in front of Goku to unleash a devastating attack, but as she’s about to unleash it, everything slows down for Goku as at the last second, the power of Ultra Instinct activates and Goku dodges her attack. It took Usagi a second before looking back to see what happened.

“Wait, wha-BAM” The next thing she knows is she’s sent back due to a gut punch, she tries to attack but she blinks and gets hit with a barrage of punches and kicks as Goku is too fast for her to see. Before either can think, they unleash another blast towards each other, shattering everything around them and finding themselves at the heart of everything, the Galaxy Cauldron.

Usagi doesn’t hesitate to call upon the Holy Moon Chalice knowing how intense this battle has become. Once again a bright light engulfs everything only to leave a fully powered Eternal Sailor Moon with her Eternal Tiare in its wake.

For Goku and Usagi, this is what it’s all led to. “This is it, the true power I’ve been waiting for!”

“He’s unlike anybody I’ve ever fought in the past. Here I come, Goku!”

With nothing left to say, the two warriors immediately clash with ki blasts and magic, each one dodging and flying in order to gain the advantage, not giving each other a chance to breathe. Goku’s astonished by the power Usagi’s showing, 

“She can even keep up with Ultra Instinct, what makes her so strong?”

 Before Usagi can think, Goku’s right behind her, trying to read her mind.

“Attacking my mind, huh?” Usagi blasts him away with Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss, but that was enough time for Goku to finally know the source of her power.

“That gem, it’s what makes her so powerful.” With that knowledge Goku goes in to directly attack the Silver Crystal, but the crystal blows him back before he can make a direct hit.

Wasting no more time, Usagi unleashes her power to the max, uniting all of the sailor crystals in the galaxy to her, ready to unleash her ultimate power. At the same time, Goku prepares his most powerful Kamehameha for one final attack.


“Silver Moon…”


“Crystal Eternal…”



The entire area becomes bathed in lights of white and blue, as if the gods themselves were waging a great cosmic battle, but Goku unleashes his final trump card!


The fire surrounding Goku explodes in red, making his Kamehameha attack explode in power! The Kamehameha clashes with the power of the Silver Crystal, all for naught however, as the power of the Silver Crystal completely engulfs the Kamehameha and Goku!

The entire area becomes completely white, and then… Nothing but silence. As the light finally died down, all that was left was Usagi holding a bright orange star seed with four stars inside of it.

“You are a brave, strong warrior, Son Goku, never let the star in your heart burn out.” Before she sent it back, she could see Goku's soul come out of the star seed for a brief moment.

"That was amazing, you're really as strong as everyone says! Let's do this again sometime!" And with that, and with a smile on her face, Usagi sends the newly formed star seed back to where it came from before departing from the cauldron. Usagi makes it back to her friends in the same spot she left them.

“What happened?!”

“We couldn’t find you anywhere!”

“So how was fighting such a hunk?”

“Are you alright Usagi?”

“Girls, I'm fine!” Usagi had to get the girl off her so that they wouldn’t crush her from their hugs. “It was just, I wasn’t used to fighting for the sake of it.”

“What are you talking about?” Minako exclaimed. “You looked like a champ out there!”

Before Usagi could go on, she noticed Whis was no longer around. “Hey guys, where did the angel go?”

Thankfully Ami was able to fill in the blanks. “Well once we could no longer sense the two of you, he decided to head back to his home.”

“So that’s it? Will we see them again?” Rei was the one to say what the girls were thinking.

“Most likely, given that they live here, who knows, maybe we could join together whenever some evil being comes to Earth?” Ami explained.

Any other thoughts were interrupted by Usagi’s stomach rumbling loudly. “Okay, back to the arcade for milkshakes!” 

Rei just rolled her eyes, “Is food all you think about bunhead?” The rest of the girls just laughed before heading back home to enjoy the rest of their day.

Back at Beerus’s homeworld, the star seed finally made it and exploded to have Goku appear in front of Whis, Beerus, and Vegeta.

Whis was the first to address  Goku. “Ah, welcome back Goku! I see your battle has ended?”

“Oh yeah, she was something else! Never faced anything like that kind of power before.”

Beerus couldn’t help but smirk. “So the stories I’ve heard are all true, will wonders ever cease?”

“Alright now that you’re back Kakarot, we can finally finish our fight!” Vegeta would never let Goku know if he was in complete shock at the power he felt during the battle.

Not missing a beat, Goku prepared to square off against Vegeta once again. “Oh yeah, give me everything you’ve got Vegeta!”

This is the journey that will never end, the struggle to push beyond all limits and redefine the meaning of power. As two groups go their separate ways, they wonder when they will see each other again to protect the planet they call home. As Goku and Vegeta waste no time charging at each other once again to see who's stronger, the saiyans and the senshi will fight new foes, new challenges, and they will be ready. Until then, we bid you farewell.


This has been a battle I have thought about for decades, since Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon came on Toonami. I’ve played this matchup in my head so many times, the dynamic, the power struggle, the characterization of everyone. With the legacy that these two animes have left, and the fact that it’s my favorite animes of all time, I wanted to give it the proper respect that it deserves.

First off, why did I have Goku start the fight at Super Saiyan and go immediately to Super Saiyan Blue? The truth is I wanted to go through all the Super Saiyan forms but that would have dragged the fight on for too long. Super Saiyan God was close to being here but I decided against it for the same reason.

There were plenty of references to other Death Battles and plenty that inspired this including the Goku Vs. Superman battles, Phoenix Vs. Raven, Megazord Vs. Voltron, and Mario Vs. Sonic. I went back and looked at what I considered the best moments of those, and made it into my own thing and applied it to my version of Goku Vs. Sailor Moon.

As for the matchup itself, Goku definitely had the strength, skill, and experience to put the fight in his favor. With Goku being older, not to mention being a master martial artist, Goku would ensure that this would take him far in the fight. But that’s where things would start turning the other way, Usagi was faster, had more variety in weapons, and her regeneration was something Goku simply couldn’t overcome. Usagi has been erased from history, and conceptually, and still managed to somehow regenerate completely, so the Hakai wouldn’t work on her. But Usagi had other ways to beat Goku, change his history like her future self did with Sailor Pluto, ask her future selves for more power should she ask, attack his soul directly, you get the idea. Plus with Lambda Power she would get the powers of every senshi from the manga, giving her way more options. Lastly I thought about the quality of their greatest enemies. Goku going up against someone like Zamasu who he had a nightmare of a time to fight just can’t compare to Usagi being able to one shot Chaos and restore the Galaxy Cauldron back to the way it was.

Goku is one of the mightiest fighters in the history of fiction, but Usagi’s sheer power, absurd reality warping, and broken regeneration gave her what she needed to take the victory. Goku had the ultra skill, but he just didn’t have the instinct to take the victory.

The winner is Sailor Moon.


  1. I can't comment that much on the Dragon Ball stuff as my knowledge in Dragon Ball is fairly limited. I read the entire manga years ago and saw the start of Super but I'm mostly commenting on the Sailor Moon part of the matchup.

    With the knowledge I have, I do agree on the winner, even outside arguments about "immeasurable speed" and whatnot, I don't think Goku has any way around Usagi's regen while Usagi's haxes should work fine on Goku. I'd have maybe liked to see you go a bit deeper in your analysis on what the characters can do. This blog doesn't really showcase on what you believe the capabilities of the characters are.

    In terms of the fight it was fun, though I think you may be basing your characterizations of the anime rather than the manga. Manga Usagi would certainly not be scared of an image of Cell after confronting Chaos and Makoto and Minako comedically fawning over random boys is moreso a thing of the anime. I thought your presentation was very good, with a good mixture of visuals and audios combined with good descriptions of the fight. I am eagerly anticipating more SM blogs from you.

    1. I definitely had the anime on my mind, mainly because I grew up with it so it had a bigger presence here than the manga.
