Monday, July 22, 2024

Most Wanted Death Battle Matchups

The fun thing about Death Battle is seeing so many people talk about and show their favorite matchups they they want to see, and that what this is gonna be, what matchups I personally would love to become an eventual episode.

Captain Underpants Vs. Captain Planet

I think this would be a hilarious matchup between the two captains, given how completely ridiculous both are in their own worlds, I expect cartoon shenanigans similar to Saitama Vs. Popeye.

Cell Vs. Metal Sonic
Cell is the pretty much the big Dragon Ball villain left that hasn't been in Death Battle yet. And considering Sonic has a lot in common with Dragon Ball, this matchup ultimately makes a lot of sense. Plus this would bring Metal Sonic back into Death Battle, and since he's one of my favorite Sonic characters this would be a great match to have.

Banjo-Kazooie Vs. Yooka-Laylee
Again like with the previous matchup, this makes complete sense. We already have a good duo matchup in Jak and Daxter Vs. Ratchet and Clank, so this would absolutely work. Plus Banjo-Kazooie like Conker are so overdue for a Death Battle anyways.

Mario-Kun Vs. Archie Sonic
Since we got a third Goku Vs. Superman, Mario Vs. Sonic 3 is pretty much bound to happen at this point, the issue is how to do it? We've had them use canon versions only and compositing them both, so at this point the only thing to do is to use the most powerful versions of Mario and Sonic.

Eds Vs. Warners
As you can tell, I love cartoons and love cartoon themed based death battles. I just think they allow for near unlimited creativity, Bill Cipher Vs. Discord is easily the best example of this. So a matchup between these crazy ass kids is a goldmine just waiting to happen.

Tom and Jerry Vs. Itchy and Scratchy
If there was any cartoon that was made for something like Death Battle, these two are prime candidates. Both are notorious for being ultraviolent, but one has blood, death, etc. Plus, not only do we get one of the all time classic cartoons in Tom and Jerry, we also get The Simpsons in as well, the original vs the parody would make for a good time.

Star Fox Vs. Rogue Squadron
This has been a request that I've wanted for such a long time, and something that Death Battle themselves have been hoping to do. I've seen people talk about how it was planned in earlier seasons, Community Death Battles have been done over it, even a DBX on Arwing Vs. X-Wing, it's all been leading to this and I hope that should Death Battle come back, this big time matchup gets the treatment it deserves.

Goku Vs. Sailor Moon
There's no way I could end a list like this without my remaining most wanted matchup. I don't think I even need to explain why I want this so badly, I even made my own script for this matchup. For those that don't know, this was originally planned after Goku Vs. Superman 1 but ultimately scrapped, so for a fan of my two favorite anime of all time, the hype and hope for this matchup is through the roof. It's also a very intense matchup so the salt for the outcome will definitely be up there, no doubt about that. Goku needs an opponent that isn't Superman anyway, so why not his other iconic rival?

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